Studio Work

Now & Later, 2024
Plywood &drywall sculpture, painted plywood, chalk.

Maps, 2022-2023
Found objects, painted plywood, chalk photographed on B&W film.

Two Maps, diptych, 2022-2023
Australia, 2023

Wrong Move, diptych, 2023

Public Planning, 2003-2004
Pen and watercolor on paper
Scholl’s Shoal 
Big Bridge
A Modest Proposal

The Shroud of Anaheim, 1994
clay mold on canvas

Secret, 2022-2023
Drawings on graphite, vellum, black paper. Digitally photographed inkjet prints.

Modern Furniture, 2004-2005

Cardboard, glue and paper tape.

Paintings, 2001-2003
acrylic on plywood

Grab Bag from the Past

Roadsign, 1993
OK Runner Up, 1994
OK Runner Up (detail), 1994
V.O.G., 1994
Suburban Man, 1998
Reflex Surfactant Installation, 1996
Reflex Surfactant Installation, 1996
Blast, 1993
Blast (detail), 1993
Smile-O-Matic 3000, 1994
Roadsign, 1993

©1993-2024 William Morrison